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Short Introduction
Religion is easy to practice (Quran 5:6) and easy to learn (54:17). If you are experiencing something different you are probably not heading the right way. Most people today follow religions cluttered with traditions, personal opinions and nonsense piled on top of the original, simple and straightforward message - Worship God Alone.
To Worship God Alone means following instructions only from Him. Following instructions from other sources is equivalent to following other gods. This way monotheism is lost and people who sincerely believe they worship God alone actually don't. Without realizing it they are attributing pratices and beliefs that have nothing to do with God's original message.
Do you know that everything you attribute to your religion is really what God says? Are you sure? Have you verified what you Do and Say in God's name for yourself, or are you taking someone elses word for it? Think about that. It may be the most important reflection of your life.
Letting go of inherited views once we realize that there is no basis for them is not as easy as one would think. It often involves going against the religious upbringing and views of family, friends and majority of people around us. The pressure from either can become so overwhelming that some people give in to igorance to escape it.
If you've experienced the hurt of a burning sun in your eyes after some time in the shade, looking away to avoid the pain, then you know how most people react when facing the light of the truth. They look away.
Renewal of the message
The proof supporting it