Submission to God Alone |
1974 all monotheistic religions of the world (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) started undergoing a purifying and consolidating process. God fulfilled His promise and sent His Messenger of the Covenant (Malachi 3:1-3, Quran 3:81) to complete the task of purging away and exposing all the falsehood and innovations that have polluted God's original message beyond recognition.
Through this messenger God unveiled the authenticating mathematical code of His final scripture to the world, the Quran, proving its perfect preservation and confirming previous scriptures. This code, based on the number 19 (mentioned in Sura 74: The Hidden Secret) was unveiled 19x74 years (1406) after the revelation of the Quran.
As God's call is spreading so are efforts to put out His light with baseless challenges and objections. This site is solely dedicated to responding to them and information for those who wish to learn.
Video Clips of God's Messenger of the Covenant
Short Introduction
Challenges of Specific Sites
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