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Challenge: Submitters admit that there "miracle" has errors and needs to be corrected.

The submitters from submission.org agree that the counting of the Quranic initial "Laam" is wrong in two verses. See the proof This is evidence that the Quranic miracle of getting 19 divisible counts is having errors. Submission.org has said this in it's disclaimer note of it's article titled "The Updated Count of the Quranic initial ALMR and ALMS in the Quran".

"Disclaimer: This article is a presentation of the update to the continuous research and study of the mathematical Miracle of the Quran, as more sophisticated tools become available to us. This research, by no means, represents the end of the research but rather the continuation of it. Because of the difficulty and complexity of counting the
Alifs (A's), there are on-going discussions and verification process of the methodology used in this study. Up to July 2004, there has been no proof of any count that is different than what we presented here in this article in 7/2002. God willing, this count will be updated if more or different findings are confirmed."

Although the mathematical system in the Quran is overwhelmingly powerful, ranging from the very simple to the very complex facts, hundreds of which have nothing to do with the Quranic Initials, it comes as no surprise that when attempts to spread doubts about the miracle are being made, it is not the simple facts that are capitalized on, but rather the much more complex ones. Counting the letter Alif in the Quran, in the Initialed suras, is one of the more complex parts of this miracle. 

The following can be read in the book "The Computer Speaks" (page 138) written by Rashad Khalifa:

"The letter Alif (A) was the most difficult to count, since it occurs in three different forms, namely, as an independent Alif, as an extension vowl, and as a 'hamza' attached to some letter (wow or yaa). Ironically, all three types of 'Alif' exhibited some relationship to the number ((19)). However, the most powerful relationship is reported here, namely, where the numbers are multiples of ((19)) in the individual chapters, rather than in a class of chapters. In this relationship, the independent 'Alif' and the 'Alif' of extension are counted. The 'hamza' which is part of another letter is not considered 'Alif.'" 

As one or two pieces of information of the mathematical composition of the Quran is yet to be made clear to us, some eager strivers took it upon themselves to try to produce an answer. That ended in an extensive study in which another count of the "Alif" Initialed suras suras was presented, still producing a total that is multiple of 19. (see Rashad's comment above) 

As you can see initial counting has been wrong by rk. So the submitters are continuing research and study of the Quranic miracle. If you are a person of sound mind then think of this. Would a miracle given by GOD to one of his messengers be having errors? Or did any such miracle have errors?? rk has deliberately counted initials and verses in a biased manner so that 19 divisble answers will come up.

This is the only time in history that a miracle of GOD needed correction.NOWHERE IN THE QURAN DOES GOD SAY TO COUNT THE INITIALS, OR TO COUNT THE VERSES, OR TO REMOVE TWO, OR TO PRESERVE THE QURAN OR THAT THE QURAN HAS A MATHEMETICAL MIRACLE RELATED TO 19. Yet submitters follow this man called rashadh khalifa and end up in this mess. Where are the sound minds???

The mathematical miracle doesn't need a correction. This is a misconception by some who are perhaps too eager to find an answer to things they still have not been able to figure out in this code. The numbers presented by Rashad Khalifa are without a doubt correct, and it is only a matter of time before the last one or two pieces will become evident to us.  

To put this into perspective, the 29 suras prefixed with Initials have more than 30.000 Initials in them. Two of them are still unclear. Of the 6348 verses that are presented in most traditional versions of the Quran today, 2 have been identified as false (9:128-129), two verses that were always suspect and has a history of having caused divisions within the Muslim community sine the time of Muhammad. To read more click here. The other 6346 (19x334) verses have been proven correct. 

In 15:9 God says, "Surely, we have revealed this scripture, and surely, we will preserve it." 

A person of a sound mind, as you call for, should at least ask themselves, 'How will God prove to  us that He has preserved it?' 

[10:1] A.L.R. These (letters) are the proofs of this book of wisdom.

God repeatedly says the the Initials prefixing 29 of His chapters are "Miracles of this book of wisdom". A person of a sound mind should ask him or herself, "How are these letters miracles of the Quran?"

Only with the revelation of the mathematical miracle of the Quran in 1974, does the world finally know, after 1406 years (19x74) what those 'mysterious' Initils are all about. To read more, click here.