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Challenge: 19 code deceit exposed

..this "19 miracle" is inside the low of probability, that is, inside normal statistical variation.....

There are 29 Initialed chapters in the Quran. Each and every one of them produce results that are divisible by 19, 18 of them in the individual suras, 11 together with suras with the same initials. One of the suras, Sura 42, has 2 initialed verses. The first set in verse 42:1, H.M., is divisible when clustered together with the other suras with H.M. Initials. the second set, in verse 42:2, 'A.S.Q, is divisible in that sura. 

When determining how probable this is, let's first think of another example. If you cast a die 100 times and 6 turns up each time, provided the die is balanced of course, the probability of this happening is 1/6 raised by 100. This means you take the result of 1/6 multiplied by 1/6, multiplied by 1/6, multiplied by 1/6, and so on, until you've completed this process 100 times. 1/6=0,166, thus the first four multiplications will look like this, 0,166 x 0,166=0,0275 (2.8%), 0,0275 x 0,166=0,00458 (0,4%) 0,00458 x 0,166=0,00076 (0,08%), 0,00076 x 0,166= 0,000126 (0,001%). Thus, if we cast a die 4 times, the chance of us getting a six each time is 0,001%. 

This is in accordance with the law of large numbers. You find this on page 967 in the book called, "Mathematics: from the birth of numbers." (Gullberg)

If you now consider the possibility of 29 out of 29 suras producing multiples of 19, all you have to do is take 1/19, which is the % chance that any of the suras will produce a total number of initials multiple of 19, then take that number and raise it by 29. 1/19= 0,0526 (5.3%). 0,0526 x 0,0526 = 0,0027684 (0,3%), 0,0027684 x 0,0526 = 0,0001455 (0,01%), 0,0001455 x 0,0526 = 0,0000076 (0,0008%)...until the 19th time when you get this % probability, 2,6285417719239159291673908328661e-26, or 0,000000000000000000000000002628541771..., which is 0,0000000000000000000000003% chance of happening. That is a mathematical fact. 

For those unfamiliar with mathematical laws, they may conclude that the 5.3% chance of getting a multiple of 19 is constant even if the number of calculations are increased. This is far from the case. The more times you calculate different sets of numbers the chance of getting the same result each time dminishes rapidly. The second time you calculate you are roughly 17 times less likely to come up with the same result, the third time 30 times less likely, the fourth time 125 times less likely and so forth, as you can see from the calculations above. 

Although all the 29 initialed suras produce multiples that are divisible with 19, let's just look at the probability of less than half of them being divisible, which is then 1/19 raised by 14. The chance of that happening, the mathematical probability of that happening is, 6,5280904372015125699362773028859e-20, or 0,00000000000000000000652809...etc, or 0,000000000000000000652809% chance. You determine for yourself if this is a normal occurence or not, if it is probably or not. How much evidence do you need?!

To read all about the count of Initials, please click here

Sura Initials Frequency of Initials Tot.G.Val. in Sura
2 A.L.M. 9899 188362
3 A.L.M. 5662 109241
7 A.L.M.S 5320 103719
10 A.L.R. 2489 80109
11 A.L.R. 2489 90190
12 A.L.R. 2375 77066
13 A.L.M.R. 1482 52805
14 A.L.R. 1197 46145
15 A.L.R. 912 29383
19 K.H.Y.`A.S. 798 17575
20 T.H. 279 1507
26 T.S.M. 611 25297
27 T.S. 121 5883
28 T.S.M. 581 24691
29 A.L.M. 1672 31154
30 A.L.M. 1254 25014
31 A.L.M. 817 16177
32 A.L.M. 570 11227
36 Y.S. 285 5250
38 S. 29 2610
40 H.M. 444 15712
41 H.M. 324 11424
42 H.M.-`A.S.Q. 562 28224
43 H.M. 368 13312
44 H.M. 166 6128
45 H.M. 231 8248
46 H.M. 261 9288
50 Q 57 5700
68 N,N 133 6650
41388 1048091

Bible code is greater "miracle" then this. I recomand you to study bible code and you will find it more "miraculous" then code 19. 

The original Bible, i.e. the Old (Torah) and New Testament (Gospel),  was indeed coded with the same number - 19. A Jewish Rabbi discovered this code in original fragments of the Torah some 900 years ago. 

A Witness From the Children of Israel [46:10]

Proclaim: “What if it is from God, and you disbelieved in it? A witness from the Children of Israel has borne witness to a similar phenomenon, and he has believed, while you have turned too arrogant to believe. God does not guide the wicked.” [ 46:10 ]

The following quotation is taken from STUDIES IN JEWISH MYSTICISM , (Association for Jewish Studies, Cambridge, Mass., Joseph Dan & Frank Talmage, eds., Page 88, 1982). The quotation refers to the work of Rabbi Judah the Pious (12th Century AD):

The people [Jews] in France made it a custom to add [in the morning prayer] the words: “ 'Ashrei temimei derekh [blessed are those who walk the righteous way],” and our Rabbi, the Pious, of blessed memory, wrote that they were completely and utterly wrong. It is all gross falsehood, because there are only nineteen times that the Holy Name is mentioned [in that portion of the morning prayer]... and similarly you find the word 'Elohim nineteen times in the pericope of Ve-'elleh shemot. . . . Similarly, you find that Israel were called “sons” nineteen times, and there are many other examples. All these sets of nineteen are intricately intertwined, and they contain many secrets and esoteric meanings, which are contained in more than eight large volumes. . . Furthermore, in this section there are 152 (19x8) words.

..sin in the word bastaten(7/69) is corrected to sad 

S (Saad)

This initial prefixes three suras, 7, 19, and 38, and the total occurrence of the letter “S” (Saad) in these three suras is 152, 19x8 (Table 2). It is noteworthy that in 7:69, the word “Bastatan” is written in some printings with a “Saad,” instead of “Seen.”

Table 2: The Frequency of Occurrence of the Letter "S" in the Saad-initialed SurasC


Sura Frequency of "S"
7 97
19 26
38 29
152 (19x8)

This is an erroneous distortion that violates the Quran's code. By looking at the oldest available copy of the Quran, the Tashkent Copy, it was found that the word “Bastatan” is correctly written with a “Seen” (see photocopy below).

...nun in 68/1 spelled out as NwN.... 

This initial is unique; it occurs in one sura, 68, and the name of the letter is spelled out as three letters — Noon Wow Noon — in the original text, and is therefore counted as two N's. The total count of this letter in the N-initialed sura is 133, 19x7. The fact that “N” is the last Quranic Initial (see Table 1) brings out a number of special observations. For example, the number of verses from the first Quranic Initial (A.L.M. of 2:1) to the last initial (N. of 68:1) is 5263, or 19x277.

The word “God” (Allah) occurs 2641 (19x139) times between the first initial and the last initial. Since the total occurrence of the word “God” is 2698, it follows that its occurrence outside the initials “A.L.M.” of 2:1 on one side, and the initial “N” of 68:1 on the other side, is 57, 19x3. Tables 9 to 18 prove that the initial “NuN” must be spelled out to show two N's.

To read more about this issue, read the response in another article on this site. 

...only 3 surah out of 29 initialed surahs shows 19 divisible count/sum of its initials (merjem , ja seen, qaf). (data for this analysis taken from www.q-zone.com cause i could not relie on alif counts of RK because it is indicated by many, proponents and opponents,and it seems also admited by rk, that his alif counts are wrong. 

Rashad Khalifa never stated that his alif counts were wrong. In his book entitled "The Computer Speaks: God's Message to the world" on page 138 he explains that, "The letter Alif was the most difficult to count, since it occurs in three different forms...Ironically, all three types of 'Alif' exhibited some relationship to the number ((19)). However, the most powerful relationship is reported here, namely, where the numbers are multiples of ((19)) in the individual chapters, rather than in a class of chapters."

To see a Muslim desperately seeking to divert people from looking at this powerful information, even prefering to direct them towards codes in the Bible, should tell the objective reader about exactly that - it's power. 

The way God's Messenger of the Covenant is described in the Bible is as follows:

(Malachi 3:1-3) "Lo, I am sending My messenger to prepare the way before Me; and suddenly there will come to the temple the Lord whom you seek, and the messenger of the covenant whom you desire. Yes, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who will endure the day of his coming? And who can stand when he appears? For he is like the refiner's fire...he will sit purifying..."

That is what God's messenger of the covenant is, a purifying messenger who has confirmed all previous messages and consolidated them into one message. 

Seeing people who claim to be 'muslims' become so upset with other people who become believers in the authenticity of the Quran is, for lack of better words, mind-boggling. What exctly about the miracle of 19 is making them so upset that they go through all this trouble to discredit it? 

There are no short-cuts to verifying the miracle. It is not good enough to take someone's word for it, nor against it. YOU have to verify for yourself. To do that, find any Quran, and start verifying against the known facts you can find listed here

But even if we take rk counts, about half of sum`s of the initials in their respective surah`s are not 19 divisible) There are other ways to combine surahs/"initials" but no other way gives more then a half of 19 divisible sums. 

If you as a reader want to look at this information for yourself, with your own hearing, eyesight and brain, as God commands you to, before discaring this information (17:36, 10:39), then click here

All my investigation show/give an impression that there is a possibility of a pattern embeded quran, though not in complete, perfect and elaborated form of 19 divisibility or similarly, but in a form that constitutes fitna or misleading for people which force/seduce them to go to assumptions and conjectures,that is, in elaborating perfect patterns, changing God`s words and introducing non quranic doctrines without any proof, without any authority, and criteria, and to make an idol out of No. 19 and to change God`s word and not to trust to God .

Give an example of 1, just 1 non-Quranic doctrine that has been introduced! You cannot, because there is none. 

When you say, "without any authority", do you realize that you are in fact suggesting that God is not in full control. According to His own words He does not give ANYONE access to the Quran who is not a sincere believer (56:79). God's laws are not violable. Either you believe it or not. There is no in between. So either you believe that there is a deliberate code in the Quran and that God gave Rashad Khalifa access to it, whereby you must, by God's own words, accept that Rashad must have been a sincere believer, i.e. truthful about God and His revelations. OR you completely reject any pattern based on the number 19 in the Quran. That's it. 

Rashad Khalifa was murdered by the hands of so-called 'Muslims' because he has exposed to the whole world that 'Muslims' today do NOT follow the Quran, nor do they worship God Alone, as the Quran commands them to. Every single thing he said, he based on the Quran. He said repeatedly, in his publications and in his recorded preachings that if anyone brought to his attention that what he was saying was not in accordance with the Quran, he would be the first to change it. No ego. Just a beautiful submitter to the truth, whatever God has decreed that to be, as outlined to us in His final and perfectly preserved scripture to the world. 

The words that were correctly adjusted are outlined in the information about the count of Initials above. Beyond that 2 of the 6348 verses were proven to be falsely added to the Quran, in Sura 9. Sura 9 happens to be the ONLY sura in the entire Quran that does not start with the words, "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful." Don't you find that significant?! These two verses had always been suspected, long before the revelation of the mathematical miracle. To read more, click here

It is also a well known fact that the writings of the Arabic Quran today differ in different translations and different countries. It was Rashad's duty to provide the world with the template to determine what belongs and what does not. 

It is a well known fact that today way way too many people are mislead by 19, people daily are diserting from quranic principles and truths for the sake of No.19 and they call it even a Sign from God, disregarding the fact that God call "their number(19)" in 74/31 "but a fitna" for disbelievers.

What Quranic principles and truths?! Back up your serious statements with references to the practice and beliefs you claim were violated based on the scripture you claim to support!  

Also, Rk has been shifting analytical methods as needed to produce multiples of nineteen. A consistent method has NOT been used for analysing initials.Good example are following combinations of "initials":

"T.H." (Ta ha), "T.S.M",(Ta Seen Meem), "T.S." (Ta Seen) and "T.S.M."(Ta Seen Mim) found at beginings of the suras 20, 26, 27 & 28)

As explained in his work, available here, there is a completely consistent and very straightforward system to count the Initials. 

When RK saw that, no matter how you combine(or no combine) it, there is no way to get 19 divisible result out of these surahs, he lumped it together and also added count of letter "ha" from surah 19 (contains folowing initials: kaf ha jaa ajn saad) to get 19 divisible result, justifying it by claim that in those surahs are mentioned great miracle of the other messangers!!!??? There is no end to the miracles of these kind.

When we add ALL the occurences of these Initials (20, 26, 27, 28) in theese suras they occur produce multiples of 19. The Initials IN Sura 19 in itself also produce a multiple of 19. That is a fact, as you have admitted to yourself here. The reader can then decide for him or herself if this can somehow be connected to God's words:

[26:2] These (letters) constitute proofs of this clarifying scripture.

[27:1] T. S. These (letters) constitute proofs of the Quran; a profound scripture.

[28:2] These (letters) constitute proofs of this profound book.

According to the writer of this challenge this is not significant, and you are better off spending your time looking at the Bible code! We are not saying that you shouldn't by the way. Inform yourself as much as you possibly can about all of God's scriptures using your own brain, hearing and eyesight (17:36). 

Here I`ll cite the comment of Mr.Abdurahman Lomax in his debate with Edip Yuksel(proponent of code 19): **It should be noted that the "Ha" here is different from the "Ha" in "Ha Mim". There is no visible logic to the lumping together of these particular initials, except that the result is ZMN(19 divisible). Suras 20, 26, 27, and 28 at least share one common initial as the first initial. But "Ha" is not an isolated initial. Sura 19 is prefixed with KHY'AS. Why count h and not KY'A, and S? Why include Sura 19 at all? 

Regarding Mr Lomax's comment that "Ha" is different from the "Ha" in "Ha Mim"... Here you find a perfect example of how opponents of the miracle casually throws out 'information' hoping that it will be interpreted as 'bad' for the miracle in the eyes of a potential reader. 

Mr Lomax's comment is completely irrelevant and useless in the context it was brought up. The "Ha" is indeed different in the "Ha Mim" suras from the "Ha" in sura 19 and 20, and so they are correctly separated in the count. The "Ha" used in 19 and 20 are this one, which can be written in different ways depending on the surrounding letters. 

To verify, look at: www.answers.com. Look for "Arabic Alphabet". 

hāʼ h [h]

As Rashad pointed out, the count of the Initials in 19, 20, 26, 27 and 28 are interlocking. Here are his comments again:

"It should be noted at this time that the longer, more complex, interlocking and overlapping initials are found in the suras where uncommonly powerful miracles are narrated. For example, the virgin birth of Jesus is given in Sura 19, which is prefixed with the longest set of initials, K.H.Y.`A.S."

"The interlocking initials “H.,” “T.H.,” “T.S.,” and “T.S.M.” prefix suras describing the miracles of Moses, Jesus, and the uncommon occurrences surrounding Solomon and his jinns. God thus provides stronger evidence to support stronger miracles. The frequencies of occurrence of these initials are presented in Table 6."

Third, I note again that the counts of these letters changed repeatedly over the years, yet each change simply brought a new method of analysis to find a ZMN (19 divisible)total. Either the invocation was included with each sura, or not included at all, or just included once for the total and not for each sura. The suras were combined in different ways as well.**

Rashad Khalifa studied the code from 1968. He only came to realize that the pattern was consistently and intentionally connected to numbers divisible by 19 in 1974. The first reports of the Initials, that were given world wide attention, stated that a discovery had been made showing that the frequency of the 'mysterious' initials, i.e. letters, were consistenly the most frequently occuring letters in each respective sura. From the time Rashad published his first findings until 1981, when his first authorized translation of the Quran as well as his books "Visual Presentation of the Miracle" and "The Computer Speaks" were published, there were reportedly some different totals in some of the Alif-initialed suras reported which is clearly explained by Rashad in his book "The Computer Speaks" on page 138. 

There are three different ways to count the Alif, so this count has been done differently over the years. And as reported by Rashad in "The Computer Speaks" (p.138), every one of these different methods produces results that are divisible with 19. 

Never have Rashad Khalifa counted inconsistently and never has there been a count that include the invocation    of a cluster of same-Initialed suras only once, and sometimes for each sura. This is an outright lie. 

Since 1981, the count has been absolutely consistent. During the last 9 years of his life, he maintained this final count. All the while he challenged the world to "give him one good reason" that this was not a miracle. They couldn't, so they killed him instead, stabbed him repeatedly in the mosque where he worked, to make 'it' stop! Hearing someone say that Quran is all we need proved to be much more than most traditional Muslims can stand. Just as expected, according to how God describes His Messenger of the Covenant:

(Malachi 3:1-3) "Lo, I am sending My messenger to prepare the way before Me; and suddenly there will come to the temple the Lord whom you seek, and the messenger of the covenant whom you desire. Yes, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who will endure the day of his coming? And who can stand when he appears? For he is like the refiner's fire...he will sit purifying..."

I repeat,rk has been continuously shifting methods of analyses to produce more and more 19 divisible results. Whenever consistent method of analyse is applied,imo, miraculous 19-divisibility dissappears. 

How is this for consistency?

  • Quran has 114 suras
  • Quran has 6346 verses
  • Quran has 114 Basmalahs
  • The Basmalah has 19 letters
  • Each of the four words in the Basmalah occurs in multiples of 19 in the whole Quran. 
  • They occur 19, 2698, 57 and 114 times. These numbers coincide with the gematrical values of the divine names One, Possessor of Infinite Grace, Glorious, Summoner.
  • Each of the four words in the Basmalah occurs in a total of 1919 verses throughout the Quran. 
  • The word "God" (Allah) occurs 2698 times
  • The versenumbers in which the word God (Allah) occurs adds up to 118123
  • When you read the prayer (Al-Fatehah), your lips touch 19 times. 
  • If you count the letters in the prayer (Al-Fatehah) until and with the word "blessed" in verse 6, after which God speaks of the strayers and those who have deserved wrath, there are 114 letters - showing that Quran should be our only source if we wish to be blessed. 

And this is just a fraction of the mathematical miracle of the Quran. As God says to us in His sura entitled "The Hidden Secret", "Over it is nineteen." But the author of this article thinks that your time is better spent looking into the Bible code than this!! He also is of the opinion that believing in the code is equivalent to taking a gun and shooting yourself in the head!! 

Although the opinions of this particular objector is neither important, nor a threat to the miracle, to see it serves an important function for the sincere reader to realize to what extent they will go to divert people from this mercy from God. Satan is indeed an ardent enemy, and he will decieve, lie and promise, do whatever he can to convince you that God alone is not enough. Always keep that important principle in mind when you evaluate a reminder, a call, an opinion. Is this aimed at supporting the message to worship ONLY God, or not. There is no in-between.

Those who mention other names in their worship practices do not adhere to the Quran - period. 

[72:18] The places of worship belong to GOD; do not call on anyone else beside GOD.

Also consider the following: Mr Mbdurahman Lomax in debate with Edip yuksel(proponent of code 19 and close companion of RK) (documented in "Running like zebras" which i reccomend you for reading) said the following: ** Dr. Khalifa's method of counting A (alif) is not based on any known or stated system. Sometimes upright fetha is counted, sometimes not. Sometimes hamza is counted (as A -- which is arbitrary, @ would make more sense); , sometimes not. Because upright fetha and hamza are common, it is quite difficult to untangle his counting rules. By varying slightly the rules, it is possible to manipulate the counts.

Rashad was completely consistent in counting the letter Alif. The claim that he was not comes from people ignorant of both Arabic and Quranic Arabic in particular. He counted Alif wherever an Alif is represented, either in the most common, or in the circumstances where hamza represents Alif.

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamza

"For Hamza, the letter ء in the Arabic alphabet, representing the glottal stop [ʔ]. Hamza is not one of the 28 "full" letters, and owes its existence to historical orthographical inconsistencies in early Islamic times. In the Phoenician and Aramaic alphabets, from which the Arabic alphabet is descended, the glottal stop was expressed by ʼāleph, continued by Arabic ʼalif. However, alif was used to express both a glottal stop, and a long vowel [a:]. To indicate that a glottal stop, and not a mere vowel, was intended, hamza was added diacritically to alif. In modern orthography, under certain circumstances, hamza may also appear on the line, as if it were a full letter, independent of an alif."

The reason that counting Alif has been the most complex part of counting the Initials is that the writing in the oldest available transcripts of the Quran (as the Tashkent Quran) compared to most versions available today are different in the sense that 'reading-help' was added to facilitate correct pronouniciation of different letters. Added hamzas was part of that 'reading-help'.

In the oldest available transcripts hamzas are present and is considered one form of Alif. This is why both letters have the same gematrical (numerical) value - i.e. 1 (in the days when the Quran was revealed, letters were used as numbers). The letter 'hamza' have since then been used more extensively for additonal reasons to indicate pronounciation. Whether a hamza is to be considered an Alif or not thus depends on the circumstances in which it is used, and whether or not it is consistent with the original spelling of the word. 

To give you an indication of the complexity of counting hamzas for people unaccustomed to both the Arabic language and the original Quranic Arabic, the text below gives you an idea. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamza  

There are differences in spelling of the Arabic Quran in different versions. The count of Alif Rashad reported however are in consistentcy with the original transcript. 

Here is the proof of the different versions in spelling available in the world today:

The writing of the Quran according to Hafs

The writing of the Quran according to Warsh

surah 5:54 (yartadda)

surah 5:56 (yartadid)

surah 91:15 (wa la yakhaafu)

surah 91:15 (fa la yakhaafu)

surah 3:133 (wasaari'uu)

surah 3:133 (saari'uu)

surah 2:132 (wawassaa)

surah 2:129 (wa'awsaa)

surah 2:140 (taquluna)

surah 2:139 (yaquluna)

surah 2:259 (nunshizuhaa)

surah 2:258 (nunshiruhaa)

surah 3:81 (ataytukum)

surah 3:80 (ataynakum)

surah 2:132 (himu)

surah 2:131 (hiimu)

surah 2:9 (yakdhibuuna)

surah 2:9 (yukadhdhibuuna)

surah 2:214 (yaquula)

surah 2:212 (yaquulu)

Philips [op.cit., p. 21] points out that Dr. Khalifa has missed an L (Lam)in 30:21. He further shows how the hamza in "Lain" has been counted in 3:158(this influenced count of ALM and practically produced bakka-makka phenomenon) and not counted in exactly the same word (and written the same) in 30:51. Dr. Khalifa changed his counts of A, L, and M greatly over the years:

About the Alif nd Hamza discussion, se above. About the 'missing' Lam's. Yes, not only in 30:21, but also in 11:70, Rashad reported one Lam we cannot see, and excluded one Lam that we can see in the texts available to us. Those are the 2 of the roughly 30.000 Initials letters that have not been accounted for so far.

Rejecting the entire miracle because of these two letters would be equivalent to rejecting Jesus after witnessing his miracle of reviving Lazarus because Lazarus, after he came back to life, was a bit stiff in his walk or had poor circulation in a few fingers. 

Somehow it still continues to astound me that Dr. Khalifa never wavered from his claim that his numbers proved the perfect preservation of the Qur'an, even when he began changing the Qur'an to make his results neater.Each change in the numbers brought a new method of analysis which recovered the "miracle."**

"Each change.... " you say. 

You are intentionally making it sound as if Rashad habitually changed the Quranic text to make the code work. This is as far from the truth as can be, an incorrect, unjust and very misleading presentation of what actually happened. 

Changes that were made, less than five over a period of over 20 years of research, are clearly explained and proven in his presentation of the miracle. The only verses that were changed/removed were the 2 last verses of sura 9, verses that had been suspect all along. To read all about this, click here.  

Edip Yuksel did not objected his critic and he agreed upon difficulties and said that even dr khalifa was aware of his miscounts. He said: "Dr. Khalifa became aware of the errors after they were indicated by critics. We were planing to an extensive research on the count of A (Alif). However, he could not fulfill the plan since Sunni fanatics brutally assassinated him in January 1990. Inshallah, one day we will fulfill this research."

This is hearsay. Whatever Rashad left behind, as written and published by him, can be bought through Amazon.com or through MasjidTucson.org. There are several recordings made with Rashad in which he explains many of the issues adressed in these challenges. To view these recordings on-line, click here

I would like to conclude with the words of mister Lomax: ** -The Qur'an is a clear message; it is easily recognized as the message of God by those whose hearts are free from obstruction. Had God intended the Qur'an to carry a code verifying its perfect preservation, he could have done it much more effectively and simply than the complex, arbitrary, and inconclusive "code" claimed by Dr. Khalifa. I would expect the code, once discovered, to be as clear as the book itself. **

It is the same with the Quranic numbers as the Quranic text, some people think it is very difficult to impossible to understand, others recognize the words in the Quran as they recognize their own children. Many traditional Muslims are still in the process of trying to figure out how many letters there are in Basmalah. They cannot agree on this. They say, 18, 20 or 21. But they all agree on one thing, that it is NOT 19. Go figure. 

P.S. What is more interest whereever are misterious letters connected with phrase "these are signs/proves/miracles of the book" it seems that in such surahs or sets of surahs is not established 19- divisibility yet ???!!!Here are some of the examples: “A.L.R. These (letters) are the ajats/signs of this book of wisdom.” (10/1) “A.L.R. These (letters) are ajats/signs of this profound scripture.” (12/1) “T. S. M. / These (letters) constitute ajats/signs of this clarifying scripture.” (26/1-2) “A. L. M. / These (letters) constitute ajats/signs of this book of wisdom.” (31/1-2) "T. S.M. / These (letters) are the ajats/signs of this clear book" (28/1-2) "T.S. These (letters)are the ajats/signs of the Quran and a clear book" (27/1)

The connection between these letters and the code 19 is well established even among traditional Muslims who refuse to accept the conclusions that goes with it. One of the well known profiles in traditional Islam - Ahmed Deedat - produced a book about it called, "Al-Qur'an, The Ultimate Miracle." This was before the inevitable conclusion were presented that most 'Islamic' practices really are not Quranic, but based on the false sources Hadith and Sunna. Then he did a '180' and turned back on his heels. 

The approach taken by many traditional Muslims are that they agree that there is a patter of 19 connected to the Initials, but they down-play it's role and say, 'this is just one more proof that the Quran is from God.' What a loss for them missing out on this opportunity to purify their belief and practices to be able to attain salvation. 

The resistance to questioning old established beliefs is probably one of the strongest types of resistances in the world. To suggest to the traditional Muslims that their religion has been polluted with idol worship of Muhammad, just as the Christians polluted theirs with idol worship of Jesus and his mother, is most of the time met with anger and denial. 

I have something more to say About "initial"/letter "Meem" and makka being spelled as bakka in 3/96 ,that is, in surah that starts with ALM.(rk claimed that God here deliberatelly used the strange spelling of makka to achieve 19 divisible count of letter meem or sum of the letters Alif Lam Meem) First it is to be said that many reported the errors in RK counts of alifs. Abu Jamil(supporter of code 19, from www.q-zone.com)says: "Rashad's alif counts are a highly contentious issue because they include several identifiable errors."

So, your comment about the spelling of Bekka in 3:96 was.... that according to some people chatting on q-zone Rashad made mistakes counting the Alif?! 

The issue about the count of Alif is already adressed above. As you talked about making a comment about 3:96, then didn't, we'll leave it at that. 

EdipYuksel(RK`s close companion) in his debate with Abdurahman Lomax(Running like Zebras) was forced to acknowledge this fact, and he also said that RK was aware of this errors and he said that they planned to perform further research to resolve this counts cause they were convinced that they all must be 19 divisible. (isn`t it an assumption/conjecture, that is, FITNA, bear in mind 74/31-their number(19) is but a fitna/trial/means of misguidance for kafirs/rejectors.(Attention. An important notice: for another look at this verse, based on translating key word "fitna" with the word "punishement", check this articles: 1.Who said it? 2.The Massacre 3.Obsessions )

So, "he said" and "Abu Jamil says".... 

Thank God we know better than to follow people's personal opinions and hearsay, which are both condemned by God (6:119, 38:26, 2:78, 17:36). We have the facts and the Quran, and God willing we have our hearing, eyesight and brain to use for verification. Leaning on he said, they said is NOT an acceptable method in determining what is true or not. 

The number 19 will most certainly present a problem for the misguided as it exposes their unwillingness to worship God alone and their hypocrisy in claiming to adhere to the Quranic teachnings when in fact opposing ALL the major teachings in the Quran. 

Mentioning Muhammad's name in Shaadah and Salat violates several of God's commandments in the Quran (2:136, 39:45, 72:18, 6:162). Performing more than 4 steps in your Wudu shows that you follow another source, i.e. another god besides God, who explained to you IN THE QURAN (5:6) exactly how to do your Wudu. 

At least you admit here that the number 19 is an important test to distinguish the true believers from the liars, disbelievers and hypocrites. You suggest that those who believe that there is a miraculous code in the Quran and uphold the Quran from cover to cover as a result of this are the disbelievers. You also suggest that those who reject the code and insist on following others sources besides the Quran - Hadith and Sunna - which contradicts all the major Quranic teachings, are the true believers....

It is such a blind conclusion to suggest that this is the function of the number 19, that it is hard to know where to start commenting on it. For the benefit of any potential reader however, it is noteworthy to mention that the number 19 is mentioned in the Sura entitled "The Hidden Secret". The whole sura is about this sign, it's purpose and effect. It is also noteworthy to mention that this miracle was revealed in 1974, exactly 19x74 years (1406) after the revelation of the Quran, and as you now know the number 19 is mentioned in Sura 74. 

This miracle supports the Quran as the unaltered and authenticated word of God from cover to cover. It confirms the practices delivered to us through prophet Abraham, our Salat, Zakat, Fasting, Hajj and Shahaadah, all the five pillars of Islam. 

I made a few calculations and applied a few different methods of counting and calculating the letter "meem" or sum of the letters alef- lam- meem, and none of these methods of counting come up as multiple of 19.

The count of letter meem in 3rd surah(where the word "bakka" is mentioned) is 1249(not divisible by 19) 1249 : 19= 65,7368421052631578947368421052632

Your count of Mem is correct in this sura.  

Sura Frequency of Occurence
No. "A" "L" "M" Total
2 4502 3202 2195 9899 (19x521)
3 2521 1892 1249 5662 (19x298)
29 774 554 344 1672 (19x88)
30 544 393 317 1254 (19x66)
31 347 297 173 817 (19x43)
32 257 155 158 570 (19x30)
8945 6493 4436 19874 (19x1046)

The total count of letters alif, lam and meem in 3rd surah is 5493(not divisible by 19) 5493 : 19=289,105263157894736842105263157895

Your count of either Alif or Lam is off. The correct count is presented here. 

Sura Frequency of Occurence
No. "A" "L" "M" Total
2 4502 3202 2195 9899 (19x521)
3 2521 1892 1249 5662 (19x298)
29 774 554 344 1672 (19x88)
30 544 393 317 1254 (19x66)
31 347 297 173 817 (19x43)
32 257 155 158 570 (19x30)
8945 6493 4436 19874 (19x1046)

The total of letters meem in all chapters that have meem in its combinations of initial letters is 8695(not divisible by 19) 8695 : 19=457,63157894736842105263157894736

Your count is of. The correct count is 8659. To read more about this, click here

The total sum of alif, lam and meem letters, from all surahs that are crowned solely by alef-lam-meem combination, is 19279(not divisible by 19) 19279 : 19=1014,68421052631578947368421052632

The correct number is 19874. To see all the individual numbers for verification, click here

(All counts for particular surahs are according Abu Jamil from q-zone(summs without hamzahs). I just made the calculations.I think they are correct. Check it for yourself, if you find it reasonable) 

Checking for yourself is a fantastic idea and your best suggestion so far. If you do, may we suggest that you do not rely on the ASCII files, i.e. computer versions of the Arabic Quran available on the Internet, as many of them contain several spelling errors. It is better if you actually pick up 1-2 standard Arabic Quran's and start counting in them, manually. If you want help with verifying the shorter suras on-line, please click here - Visual Presentation of the Miracle: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.  

So it seems that there is no miraculous connection between bakka and 19-divisibility of letter meem or combination of letters alif -laam- meem, that is, there is nothing significant in Makka being spelled as Bakka in relation to No 19. Maybe this strange spelling is "but a trial(74/31)" to convince people about existing 19 pattern in quran without previously checking the things or seeking the answer/opinion from quran about real function of 19-"their number is but a fitna for kafirs(74/31)". Presenting the strange spelling bakka in the way that it have something to do with 19 divisibility of quranic letters could look very convincing and very impressive and people ussually start to believe in it(and in the whole "19 as a miracle" theory) without any checking -this is a real fitna because this constitutes deviation from 17/36- one of the centerpieces of "islaam". Quran 029.001 A.L.M. 029.002 Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested?

The conclusions of those who have come to believe that there is in fact a miraculous mathematical composition of the Quranic letters, words, verses and suras, are that Quran alone is a divine and perfectly preserved scripture which preaches the worship of God alone. Completely in accordance with God's words in the Quran. 

The real problem among those who reject the mathematical code is not with it's numbers, it is with it's conclusions and consequences. People all over the world are becoming educated about the true message in the Quran and those who claim to follow Quran eventhough the do no such thing, are being exposed big time. This is what disturbs so-called 'Muslims' who do their best to spread doubt about this miracle. 

If they were indeed true believers in God and in the fact that the Quran is the scripture we should follow, why is it that they regard people who believe the same as disbelievers? What specifically in the practices of these people do they object to? 

As outlined above and in several other places in our responses, the real problem lies in not wanting to be exposed as one who is an idol-worshiper, i.e. someone who can only rejoice when something and someone is added to our decrees and worship. God alone is simply not enough for these people. To read more about the sources they fight to protect, please click here

Fifth letter: Response to Scott`s objections on letter above, and analysing "statistic anomaly" found by Abu Jamil from www.q-zone.com: "Scott M." wrote: > Salamalaikum Zlatan, > It's funny you mention Abu Jamil and the Q-zone yet you don't tell what he > has shown there. Must be hard to argue against objective, non RK evidence? > He even answered the arguments you pose in your post yet you do not mention > that either. You mention "normal statistical variation" twice right away in > the post yet you do not tell anyone about the statistical anomaly far > outside the norm.

There are many ways to analyse initials i found my analyses simple, clear and very reasonable. If pattern existed, he would be,for sure, easily recognised.Such or similar analyses and patterns were reported by R.K. in the beggining of his research but through the time they are exposed as false.Some of these patterns are still very often presented as proofs of divinity of quran(for example at free-minds.org) cause people have not veryfied them(fitna) and they do not know that they are false.

*Only one* out of 14 quranic initials shows 19 divisibility in initialed surahs, this,you`ll agree, for sure is not statistical anomaly. *Only three* (according Abu Jamil`s data) out of 29 initialed surahs show 19 divisible sum of "initials" that crown particular chapter.This is apsolutely normal statistical variation and this can not, by any means possible, constitute any proof of divinity of the Quran. *Only four* out of 30 sets of quranic initials shows 19-divisible sum of "initials" that crown particular chapter.The commentar is same as above.

This i was reffering to when i used the expression "normal statistical variation" first time.

Dear reader, there is no way around this. If you want to verify for yourself you need to pick up a Quran and familiarize yourself with the facts. Don't take our word for it, and not anyone else's either. If you want to determine the statistical probability of the consistent pattern of 19, here is a good place to start. 

I do not know too much about statistics, but I think that these simple analyses of mine show clearly that 19 divisibility is "inside the law of probability" and has no any particular significance. Let say for example the all of the 14 initials showed 19-divisibility in their chapters(as people ussualy claims), or in all initialed suraahs, that would be something. It would be, there is no doubt, "statistical anomaly". However, this is not the case.

If what you said had merit you would have a point. It simply doesn't. It is up to each and every one who are seeking the truth to look into the facts and verify it for themselves. 

[10:39] Indeed, they have rejected this without studying and examining it, and before understanding it. Thus did those before them disbelieve. Therefore, note the consequences for the transgressors.

[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.

>You did read ALL of Abu Jamil's analysis, didn't you? Yet > you conveniently ignore the results and fail to give an equal presentation.

I did read all of Abu Jamil`s analysis, acctually i read some parts even twice or trice, and i analyse it carefully. So let me introduce you with my thoughts about it: 1. His analysis is way, way too complicated. I think that maybe one out of 1000 persons in the world could possibly understand a bit what his analysis is about. For objective and precise analysis of his work and for establishing corectness of his work with certainity ,imo, requries to be a specialist/expert in the science of statistics. If there is a code i excpect it to be clear and simple in the same way as Quran itself is. Abu Jamils analyses are to complicated. 2.I have 2 objections to his method which, if found correct/justified,would drastiaclly reduced anomally that he found(maybe we can discuss it later) 3.I can not be 100 % sure about correctness of his data and calculations but let say, for a moment, that everything is correct.

He made, imo, 2 crutial mistakes. He started his analysis with the wrong hypothesis. He assumed that if there is statistical anomaly in Quran, then, it MUST BE a Sign of the divinity of Quran. Consequently this misled him. Why should statistical anomaly constitute/represent a Sign that any book is from God? And moreover, why should such an anomaly should constitute an authority for correcting God `s word and derogating quranic verdicts on many topics, and for interpretating of Quran as it is used by 99% of its believers, even by discoverer(rk) himself? 

Specific patterns in the Quran, a deliberate and consistent design, IS an authority. The authority lies not in the doing, because the doing belongs to God, the authority belongs in the observation. Being able to observe and spread light about such a deliberate pattern in the Quran is an honour only God has the power to grant someone. 

Rashad Khalifa was granted that honour, whether you like it or not. By God's grace, this was a mercy for the whole world, having a proof that is perpetual, unlike the previous miracles, a proof that can be studied and verified any place, any time by anyone. 

But, as God says; 

Verse No Sura 54: The Moon
54:1 The Hour has come closer, and the moon has split.*
54:2 Then they saw a miracle; but they turned away and said, "Old magic."
54:3 They disbelieved, followed their opinions, and adhered to their old traditions.
54:4 Sufficient warnings have been delivered to alert them.
54:5 Great wisdom; but all the warnings have been in vain.

*54:1 This important sign of the approaching end of the world came to pass in 1969 when humans landed on the moon and brought pieces of the moon to earth. At the same time, God's mathematical Miracle of the Quran was being gradually unveiled. Traditional Muslims opposed it, since it exposed the fallacy of their practices (Appendix 25).

Verse No Sura 54: The Moon
54:42 They rejected all our signs. Consequently, we requited them as an Almighty, Omnipotent should.
54:43 Are your disbelievers better than those disbelievers? Have you been absolved by the scripture?

Note here that God says, "They rejected all our signs..." Have you found anywhere in the Quran where God says that people were punished because they "accepted our signs.."?

Many reported statistical anomaly in Bible. I have read that some guys analysed Bible, and that some of them(a matematician) found much much more powerful/significant statistical anomaly (1:33 than Abu Jamil has found. But does it prooves the divinity of the Bible? 

We know that the Bible is from God. We also know, from the Quran, that the Bible originally had the same numerical structure as the Quran. 

Taking the statistics here above and commenting on your level of doubt, to put that in perspective, this means that (theoretically) if you walked out your door 33 times and each time a specific type of bird flew in and sat right at your feet, you would still not be sure if this was intentional or if this was something out of the norm. 

Note: This comment was not intended to confirm the number 33 reported here as such, it was only meant to bring to light the level of blindness of the heart of the author of this challenge. Most people would react even after seeing the same bird the second time, not to mention the fourth or one hundreth time! Imagine seeing it 33 times!! Would you not be absolutely convinced that there was a higher power involved here, i.e. if you believe a higher power exists?

Does prophecies of scientific findings in Hadith tell us about divinity of the Hadith as Abdur Rahman(sunnies) claims? Do many hadiths that corespond with findings of modern science constitute proof of divinity of the Hadith? What is the probability that the man(let say Bukhari), while inventing the hadiths(1000 years ago) in the name of prophet Muhamed, prophecieses the findings that modern science observed/discovered today using modern technogy(1000 years after). 

What hadiths contain scientific information only discovered in modern science?! Name even one that can not be attributed to information deducted from the Quran or the Bible, or information 'commonly known' during the time of Muhammad, as would be the benefits of certain foods through experience etc. 

At least you are using the right descrption for Hadith here when you say, "Bukhari, while inventing the hadiths(1000 years ago) in the name of prophet Muhamed.

What about that statisticaly anomaly? It is a greater anomaly than this that is "found" by Abu Jamil. This i was reffering to when i used the expression "normal statistical variation" the second time (reffering to whole 19 thing).

As you yourself said a few passages before this; The Qur'an is a clear message; it is easily recognized as the message of God by those whose hearts are free from obstruction.

We agree. Yet, the first time you talk about any kind of proof, you bring up Hadith, which is completely stacked with nonsense, lies and contradictions! Here are a few scientific facts stated in the Quran that have only been verified by modern science:

  • The earth is egg-shaped (39:5, 79:30).
  • The earth is not standing still; it moves constantly (27:88).
  • The sun is a source of light, while the moon reflects it (10:5, 25:61, 71:16).
  • The proportion of oxygen diminishes as we climb towards the sky (6:125).
  • The "Big Bang Theory" is confirmed (21:30).
  • The "Expansion of the Universe Theory" is confirmed (51:47).
  • The universe started out as a gaseous mass (41:11).
  • Evolution is a fact; within a given species, evolution is a divinely guided process (21:30, 24:45, 32:7-9, 18:37, 15:28-29, 7:11, 71:13-14, Appendix 31).
  • The man's seminal fluid decides the baby's gender (53:45-46).

Now, please list those things you claim are in Hadith! While you are searching for your life for such evidence of divine authoriship of Hadith, please find the story of Muhammad travelling to the moon on a carriage with tens of horses, splitting the moon. Then compare this with the following information, from the Quran!

He also made, imo, an obvious mistake in interpretation of the results of the analysis. When he found and established statistical anomaly in his analysis, he huried up/rush to interpret it as a Miracle and Sign from God about divinity of The Quran. 

What a 'bad' thing he did, opening his heart to a sign convincing him that the Quran is indeed from God, every letter in it.... You must be convinced that you are doing something 'good' by trying to convince people otherwise.... As you probably have a list of reasons, i.e. real reasons for rejecting the miracle, which have everything to do with the text in the Quran rather than it's numbers, why don't you come clean and explain which part of the practices and beliefs explained by Rashad you disagree with! To offer your comments and basis, please click here

He forgot to consult God about meaning of the "statistical anomaly" he found. If there is a statistical anomaly (increased 19-divisibility for example) we first must consult God about purpose/meaning of it. In 74/31 God said that 19 is BUT A FITNA (means of/for misguidance, misleading, trial) for disbelievers. (Attention. An important notice: for another look at this verse, based on translating key word "fitna" with the word "punishement and/or torment", check this articles: 1. Who said it? 2.The Massacre 3.Obsessions)   Abu Jamil himself admits his mistake(i`ll mention it later), though unconsciously, cause, imo, his consciousness was filled with 19, that is, with 19 related statistical anomaly -incresed 19-divisibility. Here I am going to paraphrase his own words. He stated(at QQS mailing list) that **he witnessed the statistical anomaly and that the thing that he has been experienced get into his consciousness very strong(ly). So strongly and deeply that he can do nothing about it( i am paraphrasing him).**

This reminds me of 2/93 "... and they imbibed the calf in their hearts..."

[2:93] We made a covenant with you, as we raised Mount Sinai above you, saying, "You shall uphold the commandments we have given you, strongly, and listen." They said, "We hear, but we disobey." Their hearts became filled with adoration for the calf, due to their disbelief. Say, "Miserable indeed is what your faith dictates upon you, if you do have any faith."

This verse talks about those who broke the commandments and worshiped the calf instead of God. Those who believe that the Quran is autenticated by the mathematical miracle uphold the commandments in the Quran, while those who do not oppose the commandments in the Quran. How do you explain that?

The people of Moses had doubts in their hearts and not sincere desire to worship God alone. Thus they went along with worshiping the calf, as it gave them something besides God to revere. All traditional Muslims revere Muhammad, Ali and their Imams more than they revere God. They attribute power to help and to intercede on their behalf, to these powerless human idols, although God reports all of God's messengers saying; 

[7:188] Say, "I have no power to benefit myself, or harm myself. Only what GOD wills happens to me. If I knew the future, I would have increased my wealth, and no harm would have afflicted me. I am no more than a warner, and a bearer of good news for those who believe."

[10:18] They worship beside GOD idols that possess no power to harm them or benefit them, and they say, "These are our intercessors at GOD!" Say, "Are you informing GOD of something He does not know in the heavens or the earth?" Be He glorified. He is the Most High; far above needing partners.

[2:48] Beware of the day when no soul can avail another soul, no intercession will be accepted, no ransom can be paid, nor can anyone be helped.

Thus, todays equivalent to the worshipers of the calf are those who refuse to worship God alone, as God commands us to in the Quran, and insists on commemorating and associating Muhammad with God. 

So its natural that they said:" we hear, but we do not obey". The fact is that 19 thing is get too deep into his consciousnes that it led him to misunderstand and misinterpret 74/31. 19 in his case functioned excactly as God described -as "BUT A FITNA(misguidance, misleading,trial). He deviated from quranic principless, he forgot God. Witnessing 19 anomaly led him to consider RK as a God`s messenger and to be strongly influenced with his interpretation of quran, and to run across the quranic borders of the interpretation quran(this is wide topic, i can not explain everything in only one post, we`ll discuss it further GW) 

Please list the interpretations of the practices and beliefs you disagree with. And please give Quranic support for your claims. In the meantime, please explain the following Hadiths and provide support for your claims that they are divine. 

[3:78] Among them are those who twist their tongues to imitate the scripture, that you may think it is from the scripture, when it is not from the scripture, and they claim that it is from GOD, when it is not from GOD. Thus, they utter lies and attribute them to GOD, knowingly.

In the case of rk, 19 functioned in the same way. He possibly found some statistical anomaly and he automatiacally took right to corect God`s words and to misinterpret verses in order to polish his anomaly and in order to make the anomaly more impressive. He impresed many people so much, that they accepted(in most of the cases without any serious verifying) his teaching, his interpretation of Quran, they equalize him with God by following his teaching rather then Quran.

He did find something that was way outside the norm of probability. A huge part of the Muslim world recognized and accepted this before they rejected it, NOT because of the mathemtical findings mind you, but because of the conclusions based on the text. 

If you read my post again you will see that i did not apsolutelly denied possibility of existing an interesting 19-divisibility pattern(I had in mind some of A.J. and E.Y. and Milan Sulc findings).And accordingly I wrote that: "All my investigations show/give an impression that **there is a possibility of a pattern embeded quran***, though not in complete, perfect and elaborated form of 19 divisibility or similarly, but in a form that constitute fitna/trial/means of(for)misleading for people which force/seduce them to go to assumptions and conjectures,that is, in elaborating perfect patterns, changing God`s words and introducing non quranic doctrines without any proof, without authority and criteria, and to make an idol out of No 19 and to change God`s word and not to trust to God. It is a well known fact that today way way too many people are misled by No.19, people are daily diserting from quranic principles and truths for the sake of No19 and they call it even a Sign from God, disregarding the fact that God call "their number(19)" in 74/31 "but a fitna for disbelievers.""

Introducing non-Quranic doctrines.... are you serious? Have you no shame? Rashad Khalifa lived and preached the message that everything we uphold in the name of our religion must be supported by the Quran and he was killed for this conviction and for his courage. He received numerous death threats from traditional Muslims all over the world, and was finally brutally assassinated by a few of them. What did he do that was so horrible to these people that they saw no other solution but to end his life? He preached the Quran. He encouraged people to return to dedicate all their worship to God, and no one else. As God says; 

[22:72] When our revelations are recited to them, clearly, you recognize wickedness on the faces of those who disbelieve. They almost attack those who recite our revelations to them. Say, "Shall I inform you of something much worse? Hell is promised by GOD for those who
disbelieve; what a miserable destiny."

[40:56] Surely, those who argue against GOD's revelations without proof are exposing the arrogance that is hidden inside their chests, and they are not even aware of it. Therefore, seek refuge in GOD; He is the Hearer, the Seer.

[37:94-96] They went to him in a great rage. He said, "How can you worship what you carve? When GOD has created you, and everything you make!"

[46:10] Say, "What if it is from GOD and you disbelieved in it? A witness from the Children of Israel has borne witness to a similar phenomenon, and he has believed, while you have turned arrogant. Surely, GOD does not guide the wicked people."

"changing God`s words and introducing non quranic doctrines without any proof, without authority and criteria, and to make an idol out of No 19 and to change God`s word and not to trust to God", "daily diserting from quranic principles and truths for the sake of No19", "disregarding the fact that God call "their number(19)" in 74/31 "but a fitna for disbelievers."

  • For information about the changes that were made and why, click here and here
  • For the total support of the Quran, and all its doctrines, click here
  • For proof of authority, click here
  • For criteria determining whether a person is guided and truthful or not, click here and here. 
  • For the idol worship practiced by most people on this planet, click here
  • For all the information you need to verify the miracle, click here
  • To read Sura 74, "The Hidden Secret", click here. 

Finding a statistical anomaly in Quran does not give the right for changing Gods words and for interpreting Quran in accordance with No.19 (what RK did in a big measure). We first must consult God. And God did not gave any authority to No.19 in His Book. That is why he was forced to announce himself as a messanger of God, to gain the authority. 

You views are based on your personal opinions. God clearly says; 

[56:78] In a protected book.
[56:79] None can grasp it except the sincere.

If discovering the meaning of the mysterious Initials, which God describes as; 

[10:1] A.L.R. These (letters) are the proofs of this book of wisdom.

[12:1] A.L.R. These (letters) are proofs of this profound scripture.

is not a sign of authority, then what is? Coming down from the sky with angels on both sides?

[17:90] They said, "We will not believe you unless you cause a spring to gush out of the ground.

[17:91] "Or unless you own a garden of date palms and grapes, with rivers running through it.
[17:92] "Or unless you cause masses from the sky, as you claimed, to fall on us. Or unless you bring GOD and the angels before our eyes.

But not even that will help, as God explains to us...


[6:35] If their rejection gets to be too much for you, you should know that even if you dug a tunnel through the earth, or climbed a ladder into the sky, and produced a miracle for them (they still would not believe). Had GOD willed, He could have guided them, unanimously. Therefore, do not behave like the ignorant ones.


This however is what happens each time God sends someone to preach the worship of God alone:


[72:19] When GOD's servant advocated Him alone, almost all of them banded together to oppose him. 


[7:70] They said, "Did you come to make us worship GOD alone, and abandon what our parents used to worship? We challenge you to bring the doom you threaten us with, if you are truthful."


[39:3] Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers.

He even proved traditional salat timing and number of rakats through No.19. So, he acctualy followed a source of the guidance outside the quran. He spend so much time calculating everything in Quran. If he spend that time in reading of the quran, he would probably found the correct salat timing, and God`s instructions regarding other topics. God would give him the correct interpretation, but he preffered No.19`s explanations/tafseer over reading The Quran and following the best possible meaning. 

What you are consistently failing to understand is that the number 19 is God's stamp on His creation, His proof of authorization, approval. Thus, this stamp was already on Salat long before anyone knew about the mathematical miracle based on 19 in the Quran and previous scriptures. The number 19 confirms what is already there, the text, the practices, as delivered to us through prophet Abraham.  

One example of this is the 19 times your lips touch when you utter the Al-Fatehah (The Key - the sura you recite over and over in the prayer). To read about the extremely powerful mathematical miracles supporting our prayer, click here and here

Not to mention other cardinal distortions in his translation of Quran and all the crazy and ludicrous interpretations and teachings mostly caused by 19. *The guy was obsessed with No. 19 -what he called One of the greatest miracles*(I am paraphrasing Edip Yuksel here - if I recall well). He rejected the role of the Muhamed`s hadith in the interpretation of the Quran, but he invented/introduced neohadith, No19-hadith, in the interpretation of the Quran. In short, what he called the one of the greatest signs/miracles, was, in fact, "BUT A TRIAL for disbelievers" -see 74/31.

Verse No Khalifa Pickthall Yusuf Ali
74:30 Over it is nineteen.* Above it are nineteen. Over it are Nineteen.
74:31 We appointed angels to be guardians of Hell, and we assigned their number (19) (1) to disturb the disbelievers, (2) to convince the Christians and Jews (that this is a divine scripture), (3) to strengthen the faith of the faithful, (4) to remove all traces of doubt from the hearts of Christians, Jews, as well as the believers, and (5) to expose those who harbor doubt in their hearts, and the disbelievers; they will say, "What did GOD mean by this allegory?" GOD thus sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is a reminder for the people. We have appointed only angels to be wardens of the Fire, and their number have We made to be a stumbling-block for those who disbelieve; that those to whom the Scripture hath been given may have certainty, and that believers may increase in faith; and that those to whom the Scripture hath been given and believers may not doubt; and that those in whose hearts there is disease, and disbelievers, may say: What meaneth Allah by this similitude ? Thus Allah sendeth astray whom He will, and whom He will He guideth. None knoweth the hosts of thy Lord save Him. This is naught else than a Reminder unto mortals. And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth God intend by this ?" Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind.
74:32 Absolutely, (I swear) by the moon. Nay, by the Moon Nay, verily: By the Moon,
74:33 And the night as it passes. And the night when it withdraweth And by the Night as it retreateth,
74:34 And the morning as it shines. And the dawn when it shineth forth, And by the Dawn as it shineth forth,-
74:35 This is one of the great miracles. Lo! this is one of the greatest (portents) This is but one of the mighty (portents),

[46:10] Say, "What if it is from GOD and you disbelieved in it? A witness from the Children of Israel has borne witness to a similar phenomenon, and he has believed, while you have turned arrogant. Surely, GOD does not guide the wicked people."

And now back to Abu Jamil. First about significance of the anomaly that he found. Abu Jamil wrote about his analysis : "the odds of getting these results by accident are about one in 70,423." What is so significant here? Does it mean that one out of 70.423 books analysed by such a method will show such an anomaly ? If so, how can it be the absolute proof of divinity of the Quran? How can it be the proof at all? 1 out of 70.423.? How many books there are in the world? Sure much more then 70.423.Please correct me if i am wrong i do not too much about statistics , I am not an expert.

To examine about the statistics involved, please go to the top of this page. 

Let s go further: Abu Jamil wrote: "These findings show a real link between the physical structure of the Qur’an and the number 19, not an "accidental" one. The odds of getting these results by accident are about one in 70,423. ****With the correction of the <nun> count in Surah 68, the odds drop to about one chance in one and a half million."****

Comment: You see, this is very dangerous(fitna). If you correct the Quran!!!, you can make up anomaly that you have found to look more impressive. Here starts a fitna(74/31) , trial- misguidance -misleading. You correct Quran, with no authority, and the magic will look more impressive, you can get more people for your idea, you can be more sure that Quran is from God. Satan is always awake. He never sleeps.

The Quran as it is presented in the world today, is not completely in consistency with the way it was originally written. There are different styles of Arabic writings and different spellings used. The original Quran however can be found in these different representations of the original version. Only a few minor restorations were needed to return the Quran to it's original state (less than five), and were quickly identified through the mathematical code of the Quran.

A little reading about the different versions of the Arabic Quran...

The predominant reading today, spread by Egyptian Quran readers, is that of Asim in the transmission of Hafs (d. 190/805). In Morocco, the reading is that of Nafi` in the transmission of Warsh (d. 197/812) and the Moroccan Qurans are written accordingly. In Sudan, Nigeria and Central Africa, the prevailing reading is that of Abu `Amr in the version of al-Duri. The transmissions of Hafs, Warsh, Qalun and Al-Duri are still in print today.

The version of  Hafs transmission which is also the most commonly used and widespread transmission was proven by the mathematical miracle of the Quran to be the version taken after the prophet Muhammed, as it meets all the criteria built in the Quran's mathematical structure as God promised in 15:9, 85:21-22 and 74:30-31. This includes the Rasm, (Orthography) of the Quran as well as the numbering, naming and division of the suras and verses. All the other version deviated from the criteria of the mathematical structure of the Quran and therefore can be rejected.

The following tables are meant to educate the Muslims and show  them how the Hafs Mus-haf differs from the Warsh Mus-haf and it is a proof that human errors were allowed in the writing and collection of the Quran while preserving the right version (in this case Hafs) that will be supported and confirmed by God's Mathematical Miracle of the Quran. These are only some examples.


The writing of the Quran according to Hafs

The writing of the Quran according to Warsh

surah 5:54 (yartadda)

surah 5:56 (yartadid)

surah 91:15 (wa la yakhaafu)

surah 91:15 (fa la yakhaafu)

surah 3:133 (wasaari'uu)

surah 3:133 (saari'uu)

surah 2:132 (wawassaa)

surah 2:129 (wa'awsaa)

surah 2:140 (taquluna)

surah 2:139 (yaquluna)

surah 2:259 (nunshizuhaa)

surah 2:258 (nunshiruhaa)

surah 3:81 (ataytukum)

surah 3:80 (ataynakum)

surah 2:132 (himu)

surah 2:131 (hiimu)

surah 2:9 (yakdhibuuna)

surah 2:9 (yukadhdhibuuna)

surah 2:214 (yaquula)

surah 2:212 (yaquulu)

We agree with the scholarly understanding that none of the differences, whether vocal (vowel and diacritical points) or graphic (basic letter), between the transmission of Hafs and the transmission of Warsh has any great effect on the meaning. However, the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran supports ONLY one version, the Hafs transmission which is the most commonly used version of transmission. The Rasm (Orthography) of Hafs follows the pattern of the mathematical structure of the Quran as well as the numbering of the suras and verses. In reality it shows how the Mathematical miracle of the Quran is working to confirm the preserved Quran as promised by God.


There are various versions of the Arabic Quran that are still in print. They differ in many aspects although they convey the same meaning. God has provided us with the tool to verify the correct version and confirm His preservation of the Quran. The Mathematical miracle of the Quran has proved that the Hafs transmission maintained the built in mathematical structure of the Quran.

Abu Jamil proceeds further giving to us picture of his fictional debate with fictional sceptic of a miracle: Sceptic: "But aren’t you forgetting something? What about ‘intent’? Does the Qur’an intend to use the number 19 as evidence of a miracle, or did you just discover this anomaly by accident and declare the number 19 miraculous after the fact?"

Abu Jamil: The answer is found in the Qur’ân, at 74:30-31: Over it are nineteen. And We have not made the wardens of the fire other than angels, and We have not made their number but as a trial for those who disbelieve, that those who have been given the book may be certain and those who believe may increase in faith, and those who have been given the book and the believers may not doubt, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the unbelievers may say: What does Allah mean by this parable? Thus does Allah make err whom He pleases, and He guides whom He pleases, and none knows the hosts of your Lord but He Himself;and this is naught but a reminder to the mortals.

Sceptic: "What? You mean the number 19 is a ‘trial’ for the disbelievers, while it increases the faith of the believers? How can this be? How can a mere number do all this?"

Abu Jamil: You’ve just seen how. God knew about statistics long before we did? Who do you think created the laws of random chance, anyway? (Or maybe you simply hadn’t thought of them as "laws" until now.) Who created all of the laws of the universe?

My(Zlatan`s) Comment: Here i have a very important objection. Abu Jamils as well as his fictional sceptic above misunderstood the function of 19. It is BUT a trial and the number itself does not increases faith but 19 being BUT A FITNA and causing the fitna increases the faith, that is, fitna that is caused by 19 will increase faith of people. I congratulate Abu Jamil for his pretty correct translation o 74/31. Many other believers of 19 miracle allways somehow mistranslate 74/31 inserting misleading numbers and missing to translate the crutial word "illa"-only/but(only a fitna, but a fitna) and halucinating waws(conjunction and) to give impression that 19 as fitna for disbelievers is just one of 5 functions of no 19. But in fact, in arabic original, 19 as " BUT a fitna for disbelievers" is the ONLY function of No.19. But obviously being impressed by his analysis and being influenced by his starting hypothesis(if there is anomaly it must be a miracle) Abu Jamil did not understand the verse, he did not understand that "their number(19)" is BUT A FITNA for disbelievers. We can see it from his further dialogue with the sceptic:

Sceptic: But what about the exceptions? Why did half of those numbers come out nonsignificant?

Abu Jamil: I’ll tell you. I don’t know. I didn’t have anything to do with the writing of the Qur’an. It was all God’s handiwork, and only God knows the purpose behind each thing He reveals. What I do know is that God has clearly made the number 19 stand out in the structure of His Book, while allowing all other numbers to fade into the background by comparison.

My (Zlatan`s)Comment: Excactly the same conclusion as I come to. There is no perfect 19 divisibility. There is ,maybe,increased 19- divisibility, there is a possibillity of a pattern, but not elaborated, perfect and complete pattern. Not a pattern as apsolute proof of divinity of the book,since similar patterns and even greater anomalies can be found in books other then quran(Bible for example), but a pattern in a form that it constitutes perfect satanic invitation(fitna 74/31) for changing the quran, following assumptions/conjectures and accepting (without enough quranic knowledge) unquranic doctrines. THIS, i repeat, THIS could be a proof of divinity of quran. The fact that God propheciesed(in 74/31) that 19 will be BUT A FITNA- means of misguidance/trail for disbelievers, could be the proof or phenomena that will increase the faith of people and that will helps them to attain the certainity as described in 74/31.

May god lead us to the better understanding,here I gave the best of me, and that is my understanding. All the praise belongs to Him. P.s. below look at translations of 74/31 and notice how translation of the people who believe in 19 as a miracle always have an inserted words(or numbering) that do not exist in arabic original or have missed crutial word illa/only, in phrase "illa fitneten"-ONLY a FITNA or BUT A FITNA)in order to to give impression that 19 as fitna for disbelievers is just one of 5 functions of no 19(probably cause they subjectively "witnessed" No 19, and they are under strong impression of 19). But in fact, in arabic original 19 as " BUT a fitna for disbelievers" is the ONLY function of No.19. See more natural/correct translations of people who were not negatively influenced by 19,and we can not accuse them for being biased cause they never knew anything about mathematico-numerical investigations or findings related to No19.

A notice:Fitna could mean- a trial, or it could mean- a mean(s) of/for misguidance, or mean(s) of/for misleading.

"19 as a miracle" influenced translations: 

KHALIFA: We appointed angels to be guardians of Hell, and we assigned their number (19) (1) to disturb the disbelievers, (2) to convince the Christians and Jews (that this is a divine scripture), (3) to strengthen the faith of the faithful, (4) to remove all traces of doubt from the hearts of Christians, Jews, as well as the believers, and (5) to expose those who harbor doubt in their hearts, and the disbelievers; they will say, "What did GOD mean by this allegory?" GOD thus sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is a reminder for the people.

free-minds.org: And We did make the guardians of hell from the Angels and We made their number: 1) as a test to for non-believers, 2) for those who have received the book to comprehend, 3) for the believers to be strengthened in faith, 4) for those who have received the book and the believers not to have doubt, 5) so those who have a sickness in there heart and the non-believers say: what does God want with this example. This is how God blinds whom He wishes and guides whom He wishes. And NONE know the number of your Lord’s soldiers except He, this is but a reminder to mankind"

Q-ZONE: We have appointed none but angels as guardians of the fire. We assigned their number as a test for the unbelievers, and to ascertain those who were given the Book, and to strengthen the faith of the faithful, and so the people who were given the Book, as well as those who believed would not have any doubt, and [to expose those] with sickness in their hearts, and the unbelievers, when they say, "What did God mean by this example?" God thus sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is but a reminder for the people.

Traditional, more correct and natural translation of 074.031

YUSUFALI: And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth Allah intend by this?" Thus doth Allah leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind.

PICKTHAL: We have appointed only angels to be wardens of the Fire, and their number have We made to be a stumbling-block for those who disbelieve; that those to whom the Scripture hath been given may have certainty, and that believers may increase in faith; and that those to whom the Scripture hath been given and believers may not doubt; and that those in whose hearts there is disease, and disbelievers, may say: What meaneth Allah by this similitude? Thus Allah sendeth astray whom He will, and whom He will He guideth. None knoweth the hosts of thy Lord save Him. This is naught else than a Reminder unto mortals.

SHAKIR: And We have not made the wardens of the fire others than angels, and We have not made their number but as a trial for those who disbelieve, that those who have been given the book may be certain and those who believe may increase in faith, and those who have been given the book and the believers may not doubt, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the unbelievers may say: What does Allah mean by this parable? Thus does Allah make err whom He pleases, and He guides whom He pleases, and none knows the hosts of your Lord but He Himself; and this is naught but a reminder to the mortals.

Ask yourself these questions;

1. Do you believe that our God as a god who would place a mathematical pattern in the Quran based on the number 19 to see who would be faithful enough to reject it?

2.  Do you believe that God would send a man to unveil this mathematical pattern, giving him access the this hidden secret in the Quran, if he was an enemy of God?

3. If Rashad Khalifa was indeed an enemy of God, seeking to distort the religion of Islam, don't you find it somewhat strange that he is the one calling for people to uphold the Quran and worship God alone, while those who reject the miracle oppose the text in the Quran and refuse to dedicate their worship to God alone?

4. God opens His scripture with the words, "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful". This statement occurs exactly 114 times in the Quran, or 19x6, which is the same as the number of chapters in the Quran. This statement consists of 19 letters. Each of the four words in this statement occurs in multiples of 19 throughout the entire Quran, in a total of 1919 verses. Do you think this is significant? Do you think that this could have something to do with the fact that God says in Sura 74:30, "Over it is nineteen?"

God be glorified, far above their claims. He is the only One worthy of worship.