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Techniques they use to divert you from educating yourself about God's true message properly!
Spread lies which may be hard to substantiate without some research, hoping you won't do the work.
Strongly express opinions based on lies hoping it will put you off from looking at the information.
Focusing on insignificant details to the point of obscuring the context and essence.
Divert the discussion to focus on the person delivering it, rather than the actual message.
Throw out half-truths and insinuations, hoping you will fill in the intended gaps with negative ideas.
Impress upon you the opinions of people of high worldly status as a criteria for truth.
Try to convince you that the belief of a majority is a criteria for truth.
Intimidate you to the point that you give up your power to them to interpret the message for you.
The goal is to make YOU question the integrity of any work and message which reminds and invites you to worship of God Alone. Idol worshiper of different religions will support each other before they support a person who truly dedicates his or her worship to God Alone. They will even unite to fight such a person. Why is that do you think?
Never be afraid to study for yourself and ask intelligent questions to learn. Question and challenge established traditional beliefs. If they belong in the religion you will find support for them in the Quran. Don't sell yourself short by listening to people without taking the time to verify for yourself. You will very likely be surprised at what you find out!
[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.